Looking for the best buys on
jewelry items (including trending tagua nut jewelry), laptop cases, or how
about a gorgeous hobo bag?

Now in early 2015 it is an
excellent time for seasonal sales as there are many items being marked down so
that inventory is sold to make way for new items. Our SFAC online store has one
of the best selections of fair trade clearance sale items you’ll find. In fact
under searches for fair trade clearance sales our site comes up at the top of
page 1 on Google.
We’ve marked down items from 10%
to 90%—including home décor, accessories, necklaces, bracelets, earrings, wraps
and scarves, and more. There are dozens of jewelry pieces for your browsing—all
at bargain prices. Our sale items
are fashionable, exciting and very affordable.
Please visit our clearance sale page and be sure to tell all your friends about it. Remember we are
nonprofit, so much more goes back to the artisans and other nonprofit-benefited
projects in the US.