It seems like just yesterday that I was attending my son’s high school graduation, then immediately sending him
off to Camp Newman to be a counselor and song leader for 8 weeks. It was now
his turn to help create a fantastically memorable summer for children, as so
many counselors had done for him over the years, and at a place that had become his
second home.
During his absence this summer I was hard
at work with the support of our Shopping for a Change® interns: six incredible high school
juniors and seniors who volunteered their time learning about what we do, and
how to help make a difference in the world
Our first two weeks were
spent behind the scenes in photo shoots and editing images for the newest
version of our website (if you haven’t checked it out yet, click here to do so).
The next six weeks were spent developing our first crowdfunding campaign. In case you’re not familiar with this newer term, crowd·fund·ing (ˈkroudˌfəndiNG/) is by definition, the practice of funding a project or venture by raising many small amounts of money from a large number of people, typically via the Internet. We created ours on a website called

Beginning Friday September 5th, we will launch our 45-day Indiegogo campaign to raise funds to expand our operation. As you may know, we currently operate as an all-volunteer organization, with no paid employees. I handle all of the roles and tasks associated with running a small business and generally have very little outside help.
It thrills us to say that in the four years since our
launch, we have grown from partnering with 11 artisan groups in Africa and
South America to over 40 artisan groups spanning 4 continents and 28 countries.
That’s over 25,000 lives that we have touched! Our business has tripled,
indicating that people are excited by the way our organization enables them to
help both at home and abroad.
Our goal is to raise
$50,000 through this Indiegogo campaign. With this money, we will be able to update our
marketing materials, pay for new inventory, hire a professional photographer
and graphic artists, expand our reach through public relations, and finance our
first paid employee to assist me. All of these expenditures are vital to the growth
of our business, so we can continue our important work.
invite you to watch our video on our campaign page, learn more about our Indiegogo campaign by
going to, and explore the wonderful perks
we have put together (thank you gifts in exchange for your tax deductible donations).
We could not have gotten this far without your support and we hope you will
consider a donation of any amount to enable us to continue empowering others
and transforming lives.
appreciate your support and encourage you to share this blog post with your friends and family!
Shopping for a
Change® is a registered 501 (c)(3) nonprofit organization.
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