Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Relief Beads for Darfur

Relief Beads For Darfur
by Jessica
“Relief” – What does this word make you feel?
To me, this tiny word “relief” has the ability to be extremely powerful when it causes us to experience two completely different emotions. At first thought, the word implies a darker past full of pain, distress, and oppression – but as we begin associating it with alleviation from this pain and we are eased from our sadness. That is why I think “Relief Beads for Darfur” is such a fitting name for these beautiful bracelets. The artisans behind the assembly of these Relief Beads for Darfur carry a dark history full of oppression and distress on their backs, but the product that they make symbolizes the strength these women have emerged with after they have battled their life’s hardships. The beads of the bracelets reflect the artisans’ journeys, as each bead is made from sand and are each uniquely hand-painted to transform them into beautiful pieces of jewelry.
    Most of you hear about conflicts in Darfur through a voice coming out of the radio or a face on a TV screen. While we sympathize with the people living in Darfur, it sometimes becomes hard for us to find a way to help them. Sadly, with everything else happening in the world and in our everyday lives, it becomes easy for these tragic incidents to fade away to the backs of our minds over time. Wearing the Relief Beads for Darfur helps us to remember what is going on in the country and connects us more closely to the people who made them. It also gives us an easy way to help out people in Darfur:
- 1 Relief Bead feeds a malnourished child for 1 week
- 5 Relief Beads brings a malnourished child back to good health
- 10 Relief Beads restores the well-being of 2 malnourished children
- 100 Relief Beads saves the lives of 20 children
It is so amazing how much support these Relief Beads have received. Thanks to celebrities like Mandy Moore, Jessica Biel, and Zac Efron plus individuals like you who support this campaign, the people of Darfur are experiencing some relief. Won’t you be a part of it? Shop now >
Hi, my name is Jessica. As an upcoming senior in high school, I enjoy interning at Shopping for a Change. I've been gaining experience in marketing, interviewing people worldwide, and now blogging! I hope that you guys enjoy reading my blog post and become more aware of what's going in Darfur and how you can help!

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