Thursday, March 24, 2016

How Wearing or Using Fair Trade Cottage Industry Unites Us

In today’s world of instant communication, pictures, videos, opinions, news (not only in hard news but among our circle of friends or interests), a lot of thinkers feel the global community has grown closer together. It is more unified. Yet, techno-communications aside, there are actually larger forces drawing ethnic, lingual and economic groups into a single entity. One of these forces is fair trade, not only fair trade food stuffs, but fair trade fashion, accessories, jewelry and home decor products.

The nature of shopping and buying fair trade (which is also usually eco friendly) is that it transforms our consciousness, it changes our perceptions more powerfully than a passive receiving of news or a reach out to a friend. In fair trade we are actually making a very real difference in the lives of the artisans who craft the products. These are people we will never meet, yet feel vicariously close to as we shop for and purchase the products made by their hands. In a real sense we participate in their lives. And, of course, we are helping to improve their lives. The interesting aspect of fair trade is that it is so truly global, from so many countries on so many continents. There is the catch phrase “socially conscious” which signifies part of this unifying process. Finally, some of the world’s largest companies such as Walmart and Apple have taken aggressive steps to change their business ethos, that once gave little thought to ethics and social consciousness. A push for that change was public driven, after consumers became more educated and sensitive to all that’s involved before a product reaches their hands.

Buying fair trade fashion, jewelry, accessories, baby items or home décor means far more than the act of consumer purchasing. It is a profound participation in a new paradigm, even a new responsibility as the world becomes more ethically conscious of itself. 

Please check out our latest products as we offer fresh items for the spring and summer. Our jewelry and accessory selections are among the best curated collections available. Remember, we are nonprofit, and more of your purchase dollars goes to the artisans and their community improvement projects.

Please pin us on Pinterest, like us on Facebook and recommend us to your friends. Shopping for a Change is a 501 (c)(3) nonprofit organization.

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