CIBJO, The World Jewelry Federation, and Fairtrade International have signed a Memorandum of Understanding. The Memorandum commits Fairtrade, working together with CIBJO and its member organizations, to improving certified Fairtrade gold supplies to the jewelry markets and members of CIBJO-associated organisations.
The agreement was signed at the 2014 CIBJO Congress in Moscow by CIBJO President Gaetano Cavalieri and Fairtrade International's fair trade gold coordinator, Greg Valerio.
Though Shopping for a Change does not carry any gold or silver fair trade jewelry at this time, we support Fairtrade International's goal to raise work and living standards in developing countries while creating sustainable economic opportunities. Fairtrade International works with poorer and marginalized small-scale and artisanal miners in the gold and precious metals sector, helping to forge sustainable livelihoods through the creation of developmental standards.
SRAC Offers Fair Trade, Eco-Friendly Jewelry
Chosen for its artistry, materials and green sustainability, our jewlery features collections from Africa, Asia, and South America. With eye-catching designs and modern looks our jewlery makes a stunning fashion statement. Artisans' cultural identities are embodied in our eco-friendly jewelry crafted from green, natural, recycled and repurposed materials. With plenty of styles to select from, we offer the finest handmade jewelry utilizing recycled brass, copper, sterling silver, reclaimed wood, fabric, paper, glass, grasses, horn, leather, nuts and seeds such as Acai, Pambil and Tagua (found only in South American rainforests).